Short on time? Want a fun fast full body workout without having to hunt round gym for various equipment some jerk will snake before you hit 3rd exercise in circuit? This workout is for you!

You only need 1 item for this workout: a Medicine Ball. I recommend using a large soft leather stitched med ball, as the size & instability magnify difficulty, but all exercises here can be completed using a standard rubber med ball too.

This California transplant loves DYNAMAX med balls for their versatility, durability & GREEN planet-friendly composition:  They’re made of 70% post-consumer recycled materials!


Please follow F+F on YOUTUBE:

3 ROUNDS. 30 seconds per exercise. Go immediately to the next exercise in circuit.
REST 1 minute between rounds.

Woodchop (30 sec/side)
Russian Twist
Lower Ab Lift
Mountain Climber
V Up + Ball Pass
Windmill (30 sec/side)