Good article from Prevention magazine recommending foods that can aid in pain relief. While we can improve specific areas of our health (focus, physical or mental performance, reducing inflammation, etc) by eating certain foods, frequently articles recommending foods just quickly list them giving the reader the assumption that the foods alone will alleviate all issues by tomorrow morning. That’s a negligent move on the part of the publisher. However, I was particularly pleased that this author didn’t forget to include a crucial point from Peter Abaci, M.D., medical director of the Bay Area Pain and Wellness Center in Los Gatos, CA:

…before you can reap these rewards, you have to quit the junk food that riles up your body’s pain system. The typical Western-style diet is heavy on foods that promote inflammation, including highly processed foods and refined carbs. No fruit, vegetable, or herb by itself can alleviate your pain if you don’t change the pattern of your diet to reduce processed food and increase whole foods. This may not be easy, says “But if you stay committed to a good nutrition plan, you may be able to say good-bye to pain.”

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