Hooray, I’m 30! Embracing this new decade, I thought I’d share what I’ll be drowning myself in at my beach bday party Saturday. Here’s new recipes for Cougar Punch and a Skinny Margarita, as well as the link for the recipe for the increasingly popular Ginger Mango Margarita. Consistent with all of my Rotten Recipe Revamps (RRRs) these cocktails are completely free of refined sugar…which will make Sunday far sweeter.




1 Bottle of red wine (Cabernet, Merlot, Rioja, Zinfandel, Shiraz)
1 each: lime, lemon & orange (cut into wedges)
1 tbsp stevia
1/3 cup pure orange juice
3 shots vodka – something decent, please? At least Stoli, even better with Belvedere
1 cup berries
1 cup soda water

In large pitcher pour wine. Squeeze in juice from the citrus wedges, then toss into the pitcher. Add stevia, orange juice and vodka. Chill 2 hours or ideally, overnight. Add soda and berries just before serving.


And the Ginger Mango Margarita http://www.whitneycole.com/2010/04/ginger-mango-margarita

Seeking skinnier? Try the Skinny Margarita.  Pour a shot of silver tequila over ice.  Squeeze in 1/4-1/2 lime and pour soda to fill.  Stir to mix. A shaker will kill those fantastic bubbles.