The Grinch is a great way to quickly grab a ton of nutrients in a glass, literally over 50% daily recommended value of essential fiber, zinc, iron, vitamin C, B 6 & 12, Magnesium, Calcium…  Originally conceived this smoothie for a cold who I knew wasn’t eating enough of the right foods to fight it, which (surprise) aren’t typically appetizing when you’re feeling yucky. However, you needn’t be sick to Grinch.  I down one every morning since they taste great and always lift me up!  It’s incredibly hydrating, tasty and easy to drink.

The Grinch is blended with many of the same ingredients in popular cold-pressed green juices, but whereas the juiceries discard the pulp from all produced juiced, the Grinch delivers that fabulously fiber,  lending both satisfying texture and volume, as well as it’s detoxifying might fighting colds and expediting weight loss! Pass on those bottled green smoothies by Naked, Odwalla and even Trader Joe’s. Whereas the Grinch is 90% greens with a little fruit for sweetness, these bottled smoothies are nearly all cheaper higher sugar/lower nutrient fruit purees with just a tap of freeze dried green powder! Now clearly, we aren’t anti-fruit, but we needn’t eat the whole orchard! Plus, the kiwi and optional pineapple/papaya contain enzymes that further help us break down the higher protein diet that we’re all adhering to for weightloss and muscle tone. The alkaline balancing effects of the mint and parsley are pretty awesome for anyone regularly battling upset tummy, IBS, etc. Note: Odwalla Superfood Smoothie contains more sugar than five Krispy Kreme donuts!  So, the Grinch is the healthiest option, and blended at home, it’s also the least expensive. Bottled smoothies run $4-5 each, and most juicers charge about $8. Additionally, there is no dairy in this smoothie to thicken mucus should you be afflicted with congestion.

A chunky Grinch is no bueno (unless you like eating moss). A great blender is essential. I am in love with my new Blend-Tec, who at $299 (Costco) is finally giving the overrated $500 Vitamix a well-deserved competitive blow.

If you’re trying to get a jump on an oncoming cold or get rid of one you already caught, definitely drink this in combo with my Immunity Defense Cocktail For ongoing immunity building, add the liquid echinacea from this cocktail to your Grinch.

Client Credit: Jaclyn Friedman

* As always, please choose all organic ingredients. You’re trying to rid your body of toxins, so blending up pesticides & abused produce is counterintuitive.
1 ripe kiwi (washed and stem at top removed, but skin left on!)
3 cups raw spinach, kale, chard or other dark green
2 stalks celery
4 sprigs fresh parsley, discard stem below lowest leaves
Leaves from 4 sprigs fresh mint, discard stems
2 inch piece of raw ginger root
Juice from 1 fresh squeezed lemon
3/4 cup coconut water
Optional for sweetness: 1/4 cup fresh pineapple or papaya
1-2 cups ice cubes


Blend Your Own Healthier Green Monster instead!


Place ingredients in order in blender and blend. A weak blender may require you to add items incrementally. Add more ice to attain desired consistency. A thicker (yet still well blended) smoothie will linger longer, which is fantastic if you have a sore throat from coughing or nasal drainage. If you need this to be more sweet add a tiny sprinkle of 100% pure organic stevia.

Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sugar Sodium
Grinch Smoothie 101 14 0 5 5 166
Naked Green Machine Smoothie 260 64 0 2 50 30